The School of Positive Transformation

School Of Positive Transformation

Great Positive Psychology Courses

Appreciating Change is honoured to be affiliated with the School of Positive Transformation.

This school has brought THE worldwide experts on Positive Psychology into an online school. The contributing teachers, Kim Cameron, Barbara Fredrickson, Ryan Niemiec, Ilona Boniwell, Phil Zimbardo  and all the others are the leading researchers and experts in the field. It has to be the next best thing to being able to attend their courses in person

The courses are online while some include regular live support. The courses are CPD accredited, there is a money back guarantee, and certificates of completion are presented. They represent excellent value for money. Click through on individual courses below for further information on each course.

The standard prices quoted here are often discounted for a short period when you use the links provided, creating even better value.


Three courses particularly resonate as being of interest to those keen to learn more about positive psychology

1.Positive Psychology Practitioner

Positive Psychology Practitioner Certification - This is taught by all the top names mentioned above, it includes a monthly live session with Dr Itai Ivtzan or another faculty member. It includes 150 hours of study including inspiring videos and activities created by these leading practitioners, as well as of course a comprehensive introduction to the field. Priced around $590 (currently approximately £480) is a great value alternative to a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, and you don’t have to travel to attend. Find out more here

If you are interested in learning more about the basis for the tools on this site, from the very best in the world, then click here to go through to the course sign up page

2. Strengths Practitioner Certificate

Strengths Practitioner Certificate - This is run by Ilona Boniwell, an inspiring teacher. This is a shorter, more specifically focused course of 50 hours tuition. Priced at around $290 (currently approx. £236) it represents excellent value. Free assessment tools are included and there is a weekly Q and A session. For more on this programme click here

3. Resilience Practitioner Certificate

Resilience Practitioner Certificate. Taught by recognised expert Professor Michael Unger, author of 18 books and over three hundred papers, this course is delivered by a specialist in the field. It offers 50 hours of study and is usually priced at around $290 (currently approx. £236). If resilience is your area of interest and you are looking for a certificate to prove it, this could be the course for you

4. Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher Training and Certificate

Mediation and Mindfulness Teacher TrainingThis course is taught by the School’s founder Dr. Itai Ivtzan himself. The course covers an array of meditation techniques including Loving-Kindness and Gratitude mediation techniques, and is accredited by the International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance as well as CPD accreditation.

This extensive course offers 100 hours of study and includes meditation scripts and music tracks, handouts and worksheets,  and downloadable audio meditations as well as exercises and activities and practical sessions. This world-beating training usually costs around $490 (current £398). Consolidate your skills and earn the badge you deserve for your enhanced expertise

These above I would particularly recommend.

Additional Programmes from the School of Positive Transformation

However, there are also programmes to develop skills in many other areas if you are interested: